we’re like chocolate in the sun

I'm sitting in the clouds today, Screamers & Dreamers. I hope to god it doesn't rain, because everyone's got problems and I know I've got mine, but at least I've got the stars with me. After a marathon weekend of tennis, running, and doing everything possible to avoid preparing for a presentation this week sub-obscurely about escaping while embracing the dark underbelly of easy living in suburbia where the bourgeois do things like play recreational tennis and bemoan the minutia of the very lives that they've built for themselves through sheer luck of circumstance and genetics, veiled in American exceptionalism and blessings by god, I am calling on you to play tennis. "How we spend our days is how we spend our lives," and so since we can't save the world, let's save ourselves. Embrace your racquet and play like a rock star. There is no tomorrow.